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Animal Drug Approval Process


Overview of Clinical and Regulatory Development for FDA Veterinary Drug Approval

Course Description | Dates | Agenda | Speaker | Locations | Price/Registration | Testimonials

What People Say About Our Seminars

We welcome feedback and suggestions from our seminar participants. The suggestions have helped us improve our future meeting materials and refine the topics covered.

Some comments that we received after our in-person and virtual seminars:

Thank you very much again for a great and informational training course!! I learnt a lot and I enjoyed the pictures that you shared.

CMC Writer at an international veterinary pharmaceutical company



I appreciate the depth of knowledge that Mark possesses. I like the way that he provided real world examples from his experiences in industry. I really enjoyed the interactive nature of the course which was encouraged by Mark.

Senior Consultant at a major consulting firm for the pharmacuetical industry


I picked up a lot of knowledge on Day 1. This is excellent info for those new to animal health.

Clincal Development Specialist at a veterinary pharmaceutical company


The seminar is very comprehensive and covers a broad area of submission. It is great for high level understanding.

VP Quality & Regulatory Affairs at a contract manufacturer of sterile animal drugs


Overall this training was very informative, Mark was able to adapt to the virtual training well. Mark did well in presenting the information and continually verifying that everyone was following. He encouraged input and participation. The only thing I may recommend for future virtual sessions is maybe some interactive slides ("test your understanding", etc.). I enjoyed the training and I definitely left with knowledge that will be beneficial.

Regulatory and Quality Affairs Manager
at an
animal health company in Ohio


The presenter for this seminar, Mark Hughes, clearly has a great depth of knowledge and experience with this subject matter. The notes are especially well done and documented and I believe the information shared in the seminar and the notes will be a great resource for us. Mark had many great examples and anecdotes from his experience that brought the material to life.

Clinical Trial Manager for a Contract Research Organization (CRO) serving the human pharmaceutical and medical device industries

Contact us at seminars@animaldrugdevelopment.com

Hughes Veterinary Consulting (HVC)